Real Estate Webmasters
PHP Full Stack • SQL Databases • Javascript • SASS & SCSS
Worked on a team of developers and programmers for Canada's fastest growing high-tech company.
Valued Experience
After seeing its CEO Morgan Carey secure a larger investment than anyone in the history of the TV show, Dragon's Den, I immediately knew that I wanted to work for Real Estate Webmasters. I worked on a team of more than 20 Programmers, alongside a team of designers, and in a company with many departments and offices. I worked as a Full-Stack PHP developer for two years, learned many valuable skills, and gained a new understanding of exactly how to build exceptional web design products.
O.U.R. Ecovillage
Website Redesign • Client and User Input • Wordpress Integration
Led website redesign to enable the organization to better engage with a younger generation of visitors.
Development Stage
I worked with OUR Ecovillage staff, a variety of user test subjects, and collaborated with other stakeholders and interested parties to create a new design layout and organization. I performed careful backups of their existing wordpress website and customers database, and led the redesign of their new website and content layouts.
Project Completion
After the development and presentation of the new website, final discussions with the executive staff and important stakeholders, I then migrated their old data and content into the new architecture, trained staff and stakeholders on how to properly update and manage their updated product, and launched the new website.
Game of Planets .com
Wireframes and Storyboards • UI & UX Design • Design Ideation
Created the UI & UX development, wireframes, storyboards, and programming for this massive online strategy game.
Development Stage
I designed, developed and managed this 3-year project, entirely by myself from concept to completion. The game was released to the public for beta testing on March 1st, 2021.
Throughout the development process I produced dozens of wireframes, storyboards, and detailed mockups. I consulted with consideration of mechanics and metrics as well as UI & UX ideation. I then implemented all of the project goals over a 9-month period.
Project Completion
The project is currently in its final stage of beta testing. A mobile version is now under development alongside the continued finalization and completion of the project's remaining goals as feedback from the beta test is gathered.
I'm available for teaching workshops on product development, ideation, testing, and design, as well as for new contracts and consultation.